New Build Project at Impstone

With planning permission having been obtained in February 2015, we are actively fundraising and making plans for our new building to go ahead.


Our Fundraising Chart shows how much we have currently raised against our target of £90,000.  FUNDRAISING TOTALISER



Due to the rising cost of the supply of the potential new build, the setting and Parent Committee have approached the Parish Council with regards to the possibility of adding an extension on to the current Pamber Heath Memorial Hall.


We are in talks with them about the options open to both if we proceed down this route, so please bear with us while we work through our various options.


We appreciate this project has already been several years in the making, but like the saying goes "all good things come to those who wait!!"


We will keep you updated with our progress as we get it!


We will still continue to fundraise for our dream which will all help towards making this all happen:) 


Many thanks




Following on from discussions with the Parish Council and the Hall Committee, they have agreed to looking in to an extension to house the preschool and various other needs the hall has. 


At present we are working with our architect to cost the project, with a view to creating building plans.


More exciting updates to follow!!




Plans are being drawn up as I type and we hope to be submitting these in the next few weeks for planning consent! Fingers crossed!!!




Planning permission for a complete renovation and extension to the hall have been accepted:) 


We are in the process of working with the Parish Council and Hall Committee to organise the funds and also looking to source builders for this work.




Sorry it's been so long sine I last updated on here, however lots has been going on since June 19 - not even to mention the pandemic! 


As at today, we have plans accepted from the Planning Authority to extend and renovate the current Memorial Hall, encompassing a wonderful space for our preschool children. The main hall will also see lots of works, including extending the small halland updating (& moving!) all the toilets too!


At present we are working hard with the hall, the Parish and all the local residents to raise funds to pay for this worj to be completed. We have been successful in being awarded a grant of £200,000 from the LIF team towards our project, but we still need more!


We have undertaken various fundraising events with the hall committee, one event raising nearly £15,000 thanks to double match funding we were entitiled to, all through the sale of cakes and a sponsored Santa run!


There will be plenty more events happening over the coming months and we will continue to look for funding through grants and other donation sources.


We are hoping that building will commence during the summer of 2022 inline with the planning consent, so watch this space!!


In the meantime, here's an artist impression of the new build and also the plans that had been submitted to show you the layout of all being built.


Elliots very kindly donated the sand and cement to allow us to erect our fence around our new area, initially for the garden, but now the new preschool boundary.

K&P Holmes gave a generous donation towards our new build project:)

Do you know what you are entitled to - 9mth/2yr/30 hours? Universal Credit & much more! Check out the link below to see... 

Click on the above image to take you to our "Online Safety" page within our "Parent Section" for ways to keep your children safe while using phones, tablets, PC's, games consoles etc... Or click on the beow link to take you diretly to the National Online Safety website:


This website offers guidance to parents for the most common games and applications your children will encounter and what you should all look out for.

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