Daily Routine


8.30—11.30 – Free Play (inc key person activities)


10.00 – SNACK TIME!


11.30 - 11.35 – Tidy Up


11.35 - 11.45 - PE session


11.45- 12.00 – Small Group Story, activity and rhyme time (4 groups)


12.00 / 12.30pm - HOME TIME or LUNCH CLUB


12.30 - 2.25 – Free Play (inc key person activities)


2.25-2.30 - Tidy Up


2.30 - 2.40 - SNACK TIME!


2.40 - 3.00 – Whole group end of session - story, activity, singing


3.00 – HOME TIME (for most)


3.00-4.00 - Free Play

This is a typical days routine for the preschool.

There may be changes to these routines, dependent on any special events or activities taking place.

Every week we partake in cooking activities, related to our topic or any upcoming special days.


On Wednesday mornings we have a weekly Football session from WeeKicks. https://www.weekicks.co.uk/


On Mondays we take a small group of children to a local care home where the children engage with the residents, enjoying stories, singing and other games.

Do you know what you are entitled to - 9mth/2yr/30 hours? Universal Credit & much more! Check out the link below to see... 

Click on the above image to take you to our "Online Safety" page within our "Parent Section" for ways to keep your children safe while using phones, tablets, PC's, games consoles etc... Or click on the beow link to take you diretly to the National Online Safety website:




This website offers guidance to parents for the most common games and applications your children will encounter and what you should all look out for.

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